The Business Services division provides
services such as budgeting, accounting,
financial reporting, customer service, and
procurement for the department. This group
has the task of providing stewardship for
approximately $88 million in annual
resources for the operations, maintenance,
and remodel/renovation of County facilities.
Business Services also�oversees capital
improvement funds that vary from year to
year, depending upon the quantity of
projects approved by the Board of
Our procurement staff supports the
department with the administration of
construction, services, and commodities
contracts that are utilized by the
department and serve as the liaison to the
County’s Office of Procurement Services�on
Article 3 and Article 5 procurement
Important Notice for All Maricopa
County Construction
As of October 1, 2016 all future Article
5 advertisements for Maricopa County can
be found at
Additional information can be found online.
Individuals and/or firms will need to
have internet access in order to
complete the initial registration and to
respond to open
�Article 5 of the
Maricopa County Procurement code covers
the services for construction,
renovation and remodel of facilities,
roadways, parks, etc. for Maricopa